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Using the command line interface (zli)

👉 zli: The command line tool for zot servers

What is zli?

zli is a binary that implements a set of command line commands for interacting with the zot registry server.

đź’ˇ We recommend installing zli when you install zot.

How to get zli

zli is hosted with zot on GitHub at project-zot. From GitHub, you can download the zli binary or you can build zli from the source.

Supported platforms

zli is supported for the following operating systems and platform architectures:

OS ARCH Platform
linux amd64 Intel-based Linux servers
linux arm64 ARM-based servers and Raspberry Pi4
darwin amd64 Intel-based MacOS
darwin arm64 ARM-based MacOS

Downloading zli binaries

You can download the executable binary for your server platform and architecture under "Assets" on the GitHub zot releases page.

The binary image is named using the OS and architecture from the Supported platforms table. For example, the binary for an Intel-based MacOS server is zli-darwin-amd64.

Building zli from source

To build the zli binary, copy or clone the zot project from GitHub and execute the make cli command in the zot directory. Use the same command options that you used to build zot, as shown:

make OS=os ARCH=architecture cli

For example, the following command builds zli for an Intel-based MacOS server:

make OS=darwin ARCH=amd64 cli

In this example, the resulting executable file is zli-darwin-amd64 in the zot/bin directory.

Common tasks using zli

This section includes examples of common zot server tasks using the zli command line interface. For a detailed listing of zli commands, see the zli Command Reference in this guide.

đź’ˇ The original filename of the zli executable file will reflect the build options, such as zli-linux-amd64. For convenience, you can rename the executable to simply zli. The instructions and examples in this guide use zli as the name of the executable file.

Adding a zot server URL

You can modify the zot server configuration using the zli config add command. This example adds a zot server URL with an alias of remote-zot:

$ bin/zli config add remote-zot https://server-example:8080

Use the zli config command to list all configured URLs with their aliases:

$ bin/zli config -l

remote-zot   https://server-example:8080
local        http://localhost:8080

Listing images

You can list all images hosted on a zot server using the zli image list command with the server’s alias:

$ bin/zli image list --config local

REPOSITORY        TAG       OS/ARCH         DIGEST      SIGNED      SIZE        
alpine            latest    linux/amd64     3fc10231    false       84MB        
busybox           latest    linux/amd64     9172c5f6    false       2.2MB

You can also filter the image list to view a specific image by specifying the image name:

$ bin/zli image name busybox:latest --config local

REPOSITORY        TAG       OS/ARCH         DIGEST      SIGNED      SIZE              
busybox           latest    linux/amd64     9172c5f6    false       2.2MB

Scanning images for known vulnerabilities

Using the zli cve list command, you can fetch the CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) information for images hosted on the zot server. This example shows how to learn which images are affected by a specific CVE:

$ bin/zli cve affected CVE-2017-9935 --config remote-zot

IMAGE NAME        TAG               DIGEST    SIZE
c3/openjdk-dev    commit-5be4d92    ac3762e2  335MB

This example displays a list of all CVEs affecting a specific image:

$ bin/zli cve list c3/openjdk-dev:0.3.19 --config remote-zot

ID                SEVERITY  TITLE
CVE-2015-8540     LOW       libpng: underflow read in png_check_keyword()
CVE-2017-16826    LOW       binutils: Invalid memory access in the coff_s...

This example (--verbose) displays a list of all CVEs affecting a specific image with details:

$ bin/zli cve list c3/openjdk-dev:0.3.19 --config remote-zot --verbose


Note that the details may display the package path in the image when the information is available.

This example displays the detailed CVEs in JSON format:

$ bin/zli cve list c3/openjdk-dev:0.3.19 --config remote-zot -f json
  "Tag": "0.3.19",
  "CVEList": [
      "Id": "CVE-2019-17006",
      "Severity": "MEDIUM",
      "Title": "nss: Check length of inputs for cryptographic primitives",
      "Description": "A vulnerability was discovered in nss where input text length was not checked when using certain cryptographic primitives. This could lead to a heap-buffer overflow resulting in a crash and data leak. The highest threat is to confidentiality and integrity of data as well as system availability.",
      "PackageList": [
          "Name": "nss",
          "InstalledVersion": "3.44.0-7.el7_7",
          "FixedVersion": "Not Specified"
          "Name": "nss-sysinit",
          "InstalledVersion": "3.44.0-7.el7_7",
          "FixedVersion": "Not Specified"
          "Name": "nss-tools",
          "InstalledVersion": "3.44.0-7.el7_7",
          "FixedVersion": "Not Specified"

This example lists all images on a specific zot server that are affected by a specific CVE:

$ bin/zli cve affected --config remote-zot CVE-2017-9935 --repo c3/openjdk-dev

IMAGE NAME        TAG               DIGEST    SIZE
c3/openjdk-dev    commit-2674e8a    71046748  338MB
c3/openjdk-dev    commit-bd5cc94    0ab7fc76

This example lists all images on a specific zot server where the CVE has been fixed:

$ bin/zli cve fixed c3/openjdk-dev CVE-2017-9935 --config remote-zot

IMAGE NAME        TAG                       DIGEST    SIZE
c3/openjdk-dev    commit-2674e8a-squashfs   b545b8ba  321MB
c3/openjdk-dev    commit-d5024ec-squashfs   cd45f8cf  321MB

This example lists all CVEs that have been found in one image and not the other:

$ bin/zli cve diff c3/openjdk-dev:1.0.0 c3/openjdk-dev:2.0.0 --config remote-zot

ID                SEVERITY  TITLE
CVE-2015-8540     LOW       libpng: underflow read in png_check_keyword()
CVE-2017-16826    LOW       binutils: Invalid memory access in the coff_s...

For example, the above query lists all CVEs that have been found in c3/openjdk-dev:1.0.0 but not in c3/openjdk-dev:2.0.0

Listing repositories

You can list all repositories hosted on a zot server using the zli repo command with the server’s alias:

Searching... 🌍


Searching for repositories and images

You can locate repositories and images hosted on a zot server using the zli search command.

  • To search for a repository, specify the full name with a colon or a partial name with no colon.
  • To search for an image, specify the full repository name followed by the tag or a prefix of the tag.

This example searches the zot registry named 'local' for a repository whose name contains the substring 'ng':

$ bin/zli search query ng --config local

NAME            SIZE        LAST UPDATED                             DOWNLOADS   STARS
nginx           794MB       2023-03-01 18:44:17.707690369 +0000 UTC  0           0
mongo           232MB       2022-10-18 15:03:40.7646203 +0300 +0300  0           0
golang          1.1GB       2023-06-22 00:32:38.613354854 +0000 UTC  0           0

This example searches the zot registry named 'local' for a repository named 'nginx'. Because the repository name is followed by a colon, the search results must match the name exactly.

$ bin/zli search query nginx: --config local

nginx       1.23.1       linux/amd64     d2ad9089    true        57MB
nginx       latest       *               c724afdf    true        448MB
                         linux/amd64     009c6fda    false       57MB
                         linux/arm/v5    1d5d4f53    false       54MB
                         linux/arm/v7    f809744c    false       50MB
                         linux/arm64/v8  ebb807a9    false       56MB
                         linux/386       19cf4b3c    false       59MB
                         linux/mips64le  45ab60e6    false       55MB
                         linux/ppc64le   89511bee    false       63MB
                         linux/s390x     713b9329    false       55MB
nginx       stable-perl  *               4383a0b8    true        534MB
                         linux/amd64     308a37a0    false       68MB
                         linux/arm/v5    0fb8fb71    false       64MB
                         linux/arm/v7    6868f552    false       60MB
                         linux/arm64/v8  aed72c86    false       66MB
                         linux/386       5c7ed456    false       69MB
                         linux/mips64le  546d2bae    false       65MB
                         linux/ppc64le   7db02f5a    false       74MB
                         linux/s390x     800fd86f    false       66MB

Sorting the output of a zli command

For a zli command that can result in a lengthy output list, you can use the command flag --sort-by <option> to cause the output to be sorted by a specified property of the output data. The available sorting criteria vary for different commands, but examples of sorting criteria options are described in the following table:

flag option criteria
alpha-asc alphabetical, ascending
alpha-dsc alphabetical, descending
relevance quality of match
severity severity of condition
update-time timestamp

For a given command that results in an output list, you can see the available sorting criteria in the usage information returned by the --help flag. For example, bin/zli image name --help returns usage information containing the following line under "Flags":

--sort-by string Options for sorting the output: [update-time, alpha-asc, alpha-dsc] (default "alpha-asc")

According to this information, the list of image names returned by the bin/zli image name command can be sorted in order of alphabetical ascending, alphabetical descending, or the timestamp of the latest update of the image. The default sorting method for this command, if no --sort-by flag is present, is alphabetical ascending.

Command reference

This section provides detailed usage information for basic first-level zli commands. Many zli commands also support subcommands, which are listed as "Available Commands" in each command description. For example, zli search can be extended with either the query or subject subcommand. To see the detailed usage for each subcommand, type the command with the subcommand and append --help, such as zli search query --help. The zli search description below includes the subcommand help as an example.


$ bin/zli --help

  zli [flags]
  zli [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Configure zot registry parameters for CLI
  cve         Lookup CVEs in images hosted on the zot registry
  help        Help about any command
  image       List images hosted on the zot registry
  repo        List all repositories
  search      Search images and their tags

  -h, --help      help for zli
  -v, --version   show the version and exit

Use "zli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

zli completion

This command generates the autocompletion script for zli for the specified shell. See each subcommand’s help for details on how to use the generated script.

$ bin/zli completion --help

  zli completion [command]

Available Commands:
  bash        Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  fish        Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  powershell  Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  zsh         Generate the autocompletion script for zsh

  -h, --help   help for completion

Use "zli completion [command] --help" for more information about a command.

zli config

This command configures zot registry parameters for CLI.

$ bin/zli config --help

  zli config <config-name> [variable] [value] [flags]
  zli config [command]

  zli config add main
  zli config --list
  zli config main url
  zli config main --list
  zli config remove main

Available Commands:
  add         Add configuration for a zot registry
  remove      Remove configuration for a zot registry

  -h, --help    help for config
  -l, --list    List configurations
      --reset   Reset a variable value

Use "zli config [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Useful variables:
  url       zot server URL
  showspinner   show spinner while loading data [true/false]
  verify-tls    enable TLS certificate verification of the server [default: true]

zli cve

This command lists CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) of images hosted on the zot registry

$ ./zli cve --help

  zli cve [command]

Available Commands:
  affected    List images affected by a CVE
  fixed       List tags where a CVE is fixedRetryWithContext
  list        List CVEs by REPO:TAG or REPO@DIGEST

      --config string   Specify the registry configuration to use for connection
      --debug           Show debug output
  -f, --format string   Specify output format [text/json/yaml]
  -h, --help            help for cve
      --url string      Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned
  -u, --user string     User Credentials of zot server in "username:password" format
      --verbose         Show verbose output

Use "zli cve [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Run 'zli config -h' for details on [config-name] argument

zli image

This command lists images hosted on the zot registry.

$ ./zli image --help

  zli image [command]

Available Commands:
  base        List images that are base for the given image
  cve         List all CVE's of the image
  derived     List images that are derived from given image
  digest      List images that contain a blob(manifest, config or layer) with the given digest
  list        List all images
  name        List image details by name

      --config string   Specify the registry configuration to use for connection
      --debug           Show debug output
  -f, --format string   Specify output format [text/json/yaml]
  -h, --help            help for image
      --url string      Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned
  -u, --user string     User Credentials of zot server in "username:password" format
      --verbose         Show verbose output

Use "zli image [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Run 'zli config -h' for details on [config-name] argument

zli repo

This command lists all repositories in the zot registry.

$ ./zli repo --help

  zli repo [command]

Available Commands:
  list        List all repositories

      --config string   Specify the registry configuration to use for connection
      --debug           Show debug output
  -h, --help            help for repo
      --url string      Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned
  -u, --user string     User Credentials of zot server in "username:password" format

Use "zli repo [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Run 'zli config -h' for details on [config-name] argument

The search command allows smart searching for a repository by its name or for an image by its repo:tag.

$ ./zli search --help

Search repos or images

  zli search [command]

Available Commands:
  query       Fuzzy search for repos and their tags.
  subject     List all referrers for this subject.

      --config string   Specify the registry configuration to use for connection
      --debug           Show debug output
  -f, --format string   Specify output format [text/json/yaml]
  -h, --help            help for search
      --url string      Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned
  -u, --user string     User Credentials of zot server in "username:password" format
      --verbose         Show verbose output

Use "zli search [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Run 'zli config -h' for details on [config-name] argument

zli search query

$ ./zli search query --help

  zli search query [repo]|[repo:tag] [flags]

# For repo search specify a substring of the repo name without the tag
  zli search query "test/repo"

# For image search specify the full repo name followed by the tag or a prefix of the tag.
  zli search query "test/repo:2.1."

  -h, --help             help for query
      --sort-by string   Options for sorting the output: [relevance, update-time, alpha-asc, alpha-dsc] (default "relevance")

Global Flags:
      --config string   Specify the registry configuration to use for connection
      --debug           Show debug output
  -f, --format string   Specify output format [text/json/yaml]
      --url string      Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned
  -u, --user string     User Credentials of zot server in "username:password" format
      --verbose         Show verbose output

Run 'zli config -h' for details on [config-name] argument

zli search subject

$ ./zli search subject --help

List all referrers for this subject. The subject can be specified by tag(repo:tag) or by digest" or (repo@digest)

  zli search subject [repo:tag]|[repo@digest] [flags]

# For referrers search specify the referred subject using it's full digest or tag:
  zli search subject "repo@sha256:f9a0981..."
  zli search subject "repo:tag"

  -h, --help             help for subject
      --sort-by string   Options for sorting the output: [update-time, alpha-asc, alpha-dsc] (default "alpha-asc")

Global Flags:
      --config string   Specify the registry configuration to use for connection
      --debug           Show debug output
  -f, --format string   Specify output format [text/json/yaml]
      --url string      Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned
  -u, --user string     User Credentials of zot server in "username:password" format
      --verbose         Show verbose output

Run 'zli config -h' for details on [config-name] argument