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Push and Pull Image Content

Revised: 2022-09-29

A zot registry can store and serve a variety of content, but the type of content may dictate your choice of a client tool.

For various content types, this document shows examples of using a third-party client tool that supports the content. The following table shows which content and client tools are demonstrated.

Content type Client
OCI images skopeo
OCI images regclient (regctl)
OCI artifacts ORAS
Helm charts helm

Note: In the following examples, the zot registry is located at, using port number 5000.

Common tasks using skopeo for OCI images

skopeo is a command line client that performs various operations on OCI container images and image repositories.

Note: For detailed information about using skopeo, see the skopeo man page.

Push an OCI image

This example pushes the latest container image for the busybox application to a zot registry.

$ skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false --multi-arch=all \
   --format=oci docker://busybox:latest \

Pull an OCI image

This example pulls the latest container image for the busybox application and stores the image to a local OCI-layout directory (/oci/images).

$ skopeo --insecure-policy copy --src-tls-verify=false --multi-arch=all \
   docker:// \

Pull an OCI image to a private docker registry

This example pulls the latest container image for the busybox application and stores the image to a local private docker registry.

$ skopeo --insecure-policy copy --src-tls-verify=false --multi-arch=all \
   docker:// \


In these examples, authentication is disabled for the source and destination. You can enable authentication by changing the command line options as follows:


You can also add credentials for authenticating with a source or destination repository:

--src-creds username:password
--dest-creds username:password

Common tasks using regclient for OCI images

regclient is a client interface that performs various operations on OCI container images and image repositories. The command line interface for regclient is regctl.

Note: For detailed information about regctl commands, see the regctl Documentation.

Push an OCI image

This example pushes version 1.18 of golang to a tools repository within the registry.

$ regctl registry set --tls=disabled
$ regctl image copy ocidir://path/to/golang:1.18

Pull an OCI image

This example pulls version 1.18 of golang to a local OCI-layout directory.

$ regctl image copy ocidir://path/to/golang:1.18

List all repositories in registry

This example list all repositories in the registry.

$ regctl repo ls

List tags

This example lists all tags in the tools repository within the registry.

$ regctl tag ls

Pull and push manifest

This example pulls and pushes the manifest in the tools repository within the registry.

$ regctl manifest get --format=raw-body
$ regctl manifest put \
--format oci --content-type application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json \
--format oci


In the preceding examples, TLS authentication with the zot registry was disabled by the following command:

$ regctl registry set --tls=disabled

This command allows regctl to accept an HTTP response from the zot server. If TLS authentication is enabled on the zot registry server, you can omit this command from your regctl session.

Common tasks using oras for OCI artifacts

ORAS (OCI Registry As Storage) is a command line client for storing OCI artifacts on OCI repositories.

Note: For detailed information about the oras commands in these examples, see the ORAS CLI documentation.

Push an artifact

This example pushes version 2 of an artifact file named hello-artifact to a zot registry.

$ oras push --plain-http \
        --config config.json:application/vnd.acme.rocket.config.v1+json \
        artifact.txt:text/plain -d -v

Pull an artifact

This example pulls version 2 of an artifact file named hello-artifact from a zot registry.

$ oras pull --plain-http -d -v


To authenticate with the zot server, log in at the start of your session using the following command:

$ oras login -u myUsername -p myPassword

You can also add credentials in the push or pull commands as in this example:

$ oras pull -u myUsername -p myPassword \ -d -v

Note: For additional authentication options, including interactive credential entry and disabling TLS, see the ORAS login documentation.

Common tasks using helm for helm charts

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Among many other capabilities, helm can store and retrieve helm charts on OCI image repositories.

Note: For detailed information about the helm commands in these examples, see Commands for working with registries in the helm documentation.

Push a helm chart

This example pushes version 1.2.3 of a zot helm chart to a zot-chart repository within the registry.

$ helm package path/to/helm-charts/charts/zot
$ helm push zot-1.2.3.tgz oci://

Pull a helm chart

This example pulls version 1.2.3 of a zot helm chart from a zot-chart repository within the registry.

$ helm pull oci:// --version 1.2.3


To authenticate with the zot server, log in at the start of your session using the following command:

$ helm registry login -u myUsername

You will be prompted to manually enter a password.